hyper-saline case study
Liquid Integrity Systems performed work on 4 brine ponds on a site in the remote outback of Australia to provide leak detection services during ongoing operations.
Ponds assessed during this visit ranged in size from 2.5 to 5.5 hectares with salt content ranging from 300 000 – 700 000 mg/L. Each pond contained earthed inlet/outlet structures which could not be isolated from the contained liquid or the subgrade. The uneven depth of contained liquid meant the rover was not suitable and a custom high-resolution probe (HRP) was developed for this application.
After artificial hole sensitivity testing, a temporary continuous monitoring system was first deployed across the ponds to detect leaking areas. Subsequently, in all leaking areas, the HRP was deployed to provide high resolution location and characterisation of the leaks.
Over the space of 5 days, a total of 320 000 data points were collected over 17 hectares (168 000m2) providing detailed location of several leaks. From just 1 of the 4 ponds surveyed, the continuous monitoring system detected 2 leaking areas. When the HRP was deployed across these areas, 3 precise leak locations were detected; 1 larger leak in the first leaking area and 2 smaller leaks in close proximity to each other in the second leaking area.
Estimations on leak sizes and flowrates were calculated and, using advanced GPS technology, coordinators supplied to provide the precise details for future liner repair.

waste water case study
Liquid Integrity Systems performed work on a waste water treatment pond on a site in rural Australia to provide leak detection services during ongoing operations.
The 80 mega-litre pond is approximately 140 x 140 metres in size and is approximately 6 metres deep at maximum depth. The pond contained earthed inlet/outlet structures which could not be isolated from the contained liquid or the subgrade.
Over a 4 hour period, the rover completed systematic missions across the pond to ensure full coverage of all areas. A subsequent mission was carried out to provide additional accuracy over detected leaks.
The rover detected a leak in the north-east corner of the pond. Estimations on leak size and flowrate were calculated and, using advanced GPS technology, coordinators supplied to provide the precise details for future liner repair.

tailings case study
A client asked Liquid Integrity Systems to design and install a continuous monitoring system on a new tailings pond in country Australia.
Due to the sensitive nature of the site, the pond had to be constructed to the highest standards using established quality control processes, had to immediately alert operators if it was leaking, had to ensure repairs could be effected and had to meet the aims in the most cost-effective manner. Liquid Integrity Systems' continuous monitoring was the only solution that ticked all the boxes.
During construction, quality assurance was applied to the pond and assumed to be leak free. However, on commissioning, when liquid covered only 25% of the pond floor, a leak was detected just below the water line and repairs were promptly carried out. As rainfall through the wet season added to the water levels, another leak was detected and repaired. Soon after, the client filled the pond to capacity for the first time and, during this period, another 3 leaks were detected and repaired.
Initially, the continuous monitoring system was designed to monitor a new pond, but ultimately it played an important role in the commissioning of the facility by detecting leaks that would've gone undetected from day one.